Thursday, May 30, 2013

End of an era/Seabuckthorne/Uva Ursi

Hi, Everyone

This month marks the end of an era. You know I love herbs and I use them every day. The work of keeping up a medicinal garden of 100 pots has become too much for us. So, we've had to let it go.

May has always been so exciting when I start to see the little shoots sprouting and new growth on the plants that wintered over. I am now needing to slow down and rest more so trips to the local plant store to see their little ones will have to suffice.

I've recently discovered Seabuckthorne and have learned it may be good for Rosacea. I'm starting it today and will keep you posted.

The other day, I had the feeling of a bladder infection and possible stones again. So, I began treatment with Uva Ursi and in two days, I feel just fine.

I love herbs, it's just that I'm not growing them anymore.

Love Lyn